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Charles Lambert
Charles Lambert About me...
I grew up in a photo studio. My Mom, Malinda, always took me with her no matter what the shoot was. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, she would take me on her shoots for Harley Davidson, and I'd be right there with all the motorcycles and models. When we moved to Abilene, Texas, I too, spent time in that studio. So, you might say I was born to be a photographer.
I also have been extensively involved in the K9 business. Working as a police K9 decoy, training dogs for scent work, or in the conformation ring, been there... done that. I photographed as an official photographer for many years, but now find most of my time working at our studio in Saginaw, Texas.
Graduating from Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene in 2014 with a degree in Fine Art, there was never any question, move and be fortunate enough to do for a living what my degree prepared me for. I had been working in the industry since I was in high school, so it was something I felt natural doing.
I co-own the business with my Mother, and while we have very different styles of shooting, we work together on many projects and truly enjoy the creative process.
I studied in Italy and was further inspired by the beauty of the country as well as the art. Amazing works and I continue to see those masters in my mind.
I cover most of the events, whether it be the Mayor of Fort Worth, the City of Arlington, or Running & Sports events, I am there. I go through every image and edit them for the most beautiful image I can give them.
I am most enthusiastic working in the studio with professionals who want that certain look, the one.. you know, that makes you stop and go WOW!
When I am not creating in the studio, I am in the kitchen. I love to cook and create delicious meals. I am a knife enthusiast, absolutely love Animae and am a gamer.
My beautiful wife, Carra, is a constant source of support and enthusiasm. I met her in the art department at Hardin Simmons and she is a wonderful artist in her own right. She is current working as a designer at Floors & Decor after many years of working at Lowes.